Past Courses

CPD Courses Completed:

[10 November 2023] The Small House Policy: Past, Present and Future

[20 October 2023] An Introduction to Blockchain Technologies and the Law

[13 October 2023] Chinese Customary Trusts in Hong Kong - t’ong and t’so

[29 September 2023] An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and the Law

[15 September 2023] Chinese Custom and the Law of Marriage, Concubinage and Divorce in Hong Kong

[14 October 2022] Illegality, Equity and Trusts in Hong Kong: clean hands, ex turpi causa, reliance, locus poenitentiae, range of factors or what?

[23 September 2022] Adverse Possession: Squatter’s Rights and Encroaching on Other’s Land in Hong Kong 

[7 September 2022] Are Legal Co-owners of Land, Bank Accounts, Safe Deposit Boxes and Chattels also Beneficial Owners? 

[26 August 2022] Updates on Equity and Trusts 2022 (Part Two): Trustees, Fiduciaries and Beneficiaries - Obligations of Trustees and Other Fiduciaries and the Rights and Possible Obligations of Beneficiaries

[2 June 2022] Updates on Equity and Trusts 2022 (Part One): Claiming Property - Gifts and Trusts